oxidative stress

The body’s cells produce a level of free radicals during normal metabolic processes. They also produce antioxidants to neutralize these free radicals to maintain balance. Oxidative stress causes these two elements to go off balance and damages the body cells and tissues. It also plays a significant role in the aging process.
Several factors can cause oxidative stress to increase the level of free radicals. Including:
• Lifestyle and Diet
• Certain conditions (diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and diabetes)
• Environmental factors (such as pollution and radiation)
Uncontrolled oxidative stress accelerates the aging process and may even develop many conditions such as cancer, high blood pressure, and skin problems.
Now, what are these free radicals?
Free radicals include reactive oxygen species. Reactive elements contain molecules with one or more unpaired electrons. These unpaired electrons allow the molecules to easily react with other molecules. Basically, these reactions put pressure on the cells, clearing the path to their early death. The dead cells on the skin cause dryness, wrinkles, dehydration, and deep scars.
Orasense products contain a high level of antioxidants. The antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and guard the body cells. They help prevent the damages derived from dysfunctional dead cells. And leads the skin to a bright, clear, wrinkle-free future.

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